Energy Use

BART is one of the largest consumers of electric power in Northern California, using about 380,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity annually, which is on scale with a small city’s annual consumption. 89% of the energy consumed at BART is in the form of electricity. BART’s single largest source of energy demand is its traction power (for train propulsion), which constitutes about 81% of BART’s purchased electrical power and 72% of BART’s total energy overall. Electricity is also used for lighting, communication systems, control systems, fare systems, elevators and escalators, train washing and maintenance activities. 

More details can be found in the most recent Annual Sustainability Report.

Core BART trains are 100% electric. As the trains brake, BART trains convert their kinetic energy of motion into electrical energy. Some of the energy regenerated during the process is returned to the power distribution system, where it is then used by other trains. BART’s new Fleet of the Future trains offer a variety of sustainable features that reduce energy use and pollution. Read more about the sustainability features of the new train cars here. BART to OAK airport trains are also powered by electricity. BART to Antioch trains use 100% renewable diesel.

Increasing energy efficiency through lighting

LED lighting at Powell Station concourse

BART is advancing its use of energy-efficient lighting in coordination with the Station Modernization program and the BART Facilities Standards (BFS). The BFS incorporates efficient light-emitting diode (LED) lighting and fixture specifications, smart controls, and daylighting. 

Parking Garages and Lots

BART updated the lighting in 14 parking garages to replaced the older fixtures with energy efficient LEDs, which save money on energy and maintenance costs, reduce disposal of hazardous, and provide brighter, more reliable lighting. This lighting retrofit project was completed iwasten 2023.

BART is also updating lighting at surface parking lots as funding is available. To date, BART has replaced lighting at 6 parking lots to be LEDs, which is expected to save over 446,000 kWh per year. This is enough energy to power over 36 homes annually!

Station Lighting

As current station lighting needs to be repaired, BART uses efficient LED bulbs for replacement. BART is working on a comprehensive plan to proactively upgrade all station lighting to efficient LEDs.