Comments, Inquiries, Complaints, Praises, Maintenance Issues

Use the form below to contact Customer Services to give feedback and to alert BART to something that needs attention.

To report a crime or suspicious activity on BART, call 911 or BART Police dispatch at (510) 464-7000, text BART Police at 510-200-0992. You can also use the free BART Watch app, this webform, or use the train intercom or contact a station agent.

To report a biohazard that needs immediate clean up, use this webform because it alerts the right crews immediately and directly

To report report a train car air conditioner or heater problem, use this webform because it alerts the right crews who can board the train and check it out: Report a Hot or Cold Car.

For quick information visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and our Parking FAQ.

* denotes required field.