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BART's April on-time performance a 16-month high

In April 2006, BART riders enjoyed a nearly 96% passenger on-time record ? the highest in 16 months.

This news comes after a string of incidents in March toppled BART's normally stellar passenger on-time performance. Those incidents included a fire on March 9, a bomb threat on March 22 and three computer failures on March 27, 28 and 29. Those events helped drop BART's on-time performance to 93.8% - the lowest since the beginning of BART's fiscal year, which began July 1, 2005.

"After a string of unfortunate incidents during March, I'm pleased to say BART has bounced back." said Paul Oversier, Assistant General Manager of Operations. "Our on-time performance in April was 95.8%. The incidents in March tested our riders' patience and we'd like to thank them for their loyalty and for their continued faith in BART."

BART has strict guidelines when it comes to measuring on-time performance. BART requires passengers to be at their destinations within five minutes of when the BART timetable says they should have arrived or BART considers them late ? no exceptions.

"That means there are absolutely no excuses because of weather, maintenance problems, bomb threats, computer problems or anything else," Oversier said. "Above all else, the number one thing our passengers tell us is most important to them is for BART to be on time. In April, we delivered on that goal. We promise to continue to do our best to deliver the excellent service our customers expect and deserve."