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Expect brief transbay delay during Caltrans implosion

Caltrans officials are making their final preparations for Saturday’s implosion demolition of pier three, a remnant of the old Bay Bridge structure to the east of Yerba Buena Island.  The implosion is scheduled to occur at one of two times – either early in the morning between 7 and 7:30 am, or at around 1 pm that afternoon in order to take advantage of shockwave-minimizing tidal patterns.

For more details regarding traffic on the Bay Bridge, environmental considerations, or information regarding Caltrans’ demolition preparations, please visit their website by clicking here.

Though the implosion is only expected to last a matter of seconds, BART will be holding trains at Embarcadero and West Oakland stations for a maximum of fifteen minutes while seismic equipment gathers vibration data from within the Transbay Tube.

The Transbay Tube itself is not in any danger of taking on damage from the pier implosion as it is well beyond the minimum safe distance from the site, as well as buried under a thick layer of mud at the bottom of the Bay. However, Caltrans is taking scientific measurements from sites all around the pier and needs to eliminate the slight vibrations from trains normally operating through the tube in order to record accurate data.

BART’s Operations Control Center will be in direct, open communication with Caltrans for the duration of the implosion.  In the extremely unlikely event significant vibrations are recorded within the tube, BART will undergo the same procedures and inspections it does in responding to the many minor earthquakes that regularly rattle the Bay Area.

As always, safety and reliability are our top concerns and we are grateful for Caltrans’ sensitivity to our operational needs as we work together to keep the Bay Area moving.