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BART Board hosts night meeting on Nov 17 discussing transit coordination and other items

The BART Board of Directors on Thursday, November 17th will hold its fifth night meeting of the year. The Board this year is prioritizing holding several evening meetings to encourage greater public participation. The public can attend and comment in person or virtually.

The public portion of the November 17th meeting will begin at 5pm, however the meeting officially starts at 4pm with a closed session.

Planned agenda items include:

Regional Transit Coordination: This informational update will focus on how BART is working with the MTC and regional transit partners to advance coordination concepts as a follow up to the MTC’s Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force from 2021. BART staff will provide an update on MTC’s Network Management Business Case Evaluation process and The Transit Transformation Action Plan, focusing on the plan's approach to improving Accessibility for the region.

The meeting agenda and presentations can be found here.

Members of the public who are unable to attend in person can still provide comment. You may join the Board Meeting by calling 833-548-0282 and entering access code 825 7199 8134. Dial *9 to raise your hand when you wish to speak, and dial *6 to unmute when you are requested to speak. You can also log in to, enter access code 825 7199 8134, and use the raise hand feature or join the Board Meeting via this Zoom link and use the raise hand feature.

Written comments can be submitted via email to [email protected], using “public comment” as the subject line. 

Nov 17 Night Board Meeting