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Take the BART Earth Day Quiz and celebrate sustainability

BART's Sustainability Map for Earth Day

On Saturday, April 22, BART will join the world in celebrating Earth Day, an international event held annually since 1970 to support environmental protections and sustainability. 

It's no secret that public transit is one of the greenest ways to get around the Bay Area. BART continues to offer train service powered by 100% greenhouse gas-free electricity sourced from solar, wind, and hydroelectric facilities. In fact, taking BART to the same place 30 times emits less CO2 than driving to the same location just once. Read BART's joint statement with local transit agencies for Earth Day here

To celebrate Earth Day and our ongoing commitment to sustainability, we created a special Sustainability Map that outlines some of the environmentally friendly features of our system as well as some of our favorite local flora and fauna. Screenshot it, print it out, share it with your friends, and let it be a reminder of the interconnected ecosystems around our fair region. 

Once you've brushed up on your BART sustainability trivia, take our Earth Day Quiz below to test your knowledge. 

Learn more about BART's ongoing sustainability efforts here