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BART closes at 9 pm until 8/2/21 when midnight service returns Monday-Saturday

On July 1, 2021 we announced will return to near-pre pandemic service on August 2 instead of August 30 as originally planned. 

BART currently closes at 9pm. However, we run special event trains for the SF Giants night games, the Oakland A's night games and San Francisco's 4th of July fireworks. And from July 15-31 we offer limited late-night service from San Francisco, serving nine stations total. 

We are planning to extend hours back to midnight, Monday-Saturday, beginning August 30, 2021. Sunday service will continue to be 8am-9pm after August 30, 2021.

Please note that while we communicate that BART closes at 9pm, the closure time varies station by station depending on where you are going. Some trains run well beyond 9pm. Check your specific trip using our Trip Planner or Schedule by Station feature.

We know closing early is an extreme hardship for many late-night travelers and we apologize. The current service plan was developed and staffed during the winter virus surge when the vaccine roll-out was still unclear and BART was facing a fiscal emergency. BART can't return to midnight service before August 30th because to extend hours, BART must hire additional train operators and station agents which requires several months of mandatory training.

Trip Planning Help After 9pm

We outlined below several local bus options that provide service in our area after 9pm and AC Transit provides transbay service.

Need help planning alternative trips during hours BART is closed? Call the BART Transit Information Center.

8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday - Friday excluding most holidays

Phone Number:510-465-2278

Use the Trip Planner to plan alternative public transit trips

There are local bus agencies that provide service in our area after 9pm and AC Transit provides transbay service. Our Trip Planner provides customized bus alternatives based on your starting point and destination. 

On the Trip Planner, riders can plug in their home address, work address or their next destination to find the most transit-friendly route. Riders have the ability to combine other modes such as walking, bicycling and driving into their itinerary. Riders can plan hours and days ahead of their planned trip using the BART Trip Planner.

Transit options

AC Transit has created a special page outlining station by station bus options after 9pm. The page provides step by step alternative routes from inner East Bay BART stations to and from San Francisco, downtown Oakland, and downtown Berkeley between 9:00 p.m. and midnight:

Other systems the currently offer some level of service around BART's service area after 9pm:

Si desea recibir ayuda para planificar su recorrido en tiempo real, sírvase poner en contacto con el Centro de Información sobre el Transporte de BART llamando al 510-465-2278, de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. (cerrado los fines de semana y principales días festivos). Hable con el Agente de la Estación si requiere ayuda durante horas hábiles de BART.

如欲獲得即時協助以規劃行程,請聯絡 BART 的交通資訊中心,電話為 510-465-2278,服務時間是平日上午 8:00 至晚上 6:00(週末及主要假日休息)。在 BART 正常行車時間內,請見站務人員,尋求現場協助