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North Berkeley Station parking lot changes during improvement project

The North Berkeley Access Improvements project will be done in phases starting in November of 2021. From November through the end of Spring 2023, parking at the station will be impacted.

The project will start in two small areas in the North Reserved (Permit) Parking Lot, where pedestrian and bicycle ramps will be installed and the lot driveway modified to make space for a two-way separated cycle-track, illustrated in Figure 1 (see below).

The cycle-track will replace 15 parking spaces along the south edge of the lot. In addition, three spaces at the southwest corner of the lot and 10-12 spaces in the small fee lot east of the substation will be temporarily blocked for construction and staging as illustrated in the diagram in Figure 2 (see below).

Access to the North Reserved (Permit) Parking Lot will be maintained throughout construction but the lot will be converted to a Daily Fee area. Reserved (Permit) parking will remain available in the South Reserved (Permit) Parking Lot. Zipcar, GIG, and GetAround parking spaces will be relocated and pedestrians and cyclists will be routed around work areas, as illustrated in the diagram.

The project will improve bicycle access, pedestrian safety and security, and reduce congestion in the Ohlone Greenway, advancing BART’s 2016 Station Access Policy goals. For questions or comments, please visit the project website at

Most work will be carried out between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm with occasional weekend work.

We appreciate your patience as we complete this important work.

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North Berkeley Station parking lot changes during improvement project